How To Improve SEO for your website: Start With These Strategies from SEO Company in Calgary

How To Improve SEO for your website: Start With These Strategies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) performance is affected by so many variables that one could spend forever trying to tangle them all. Where should you put your time and energy to have the greatest effect on your key performance indicators (KPIs) for SEO services and efforts? 

Creating a Search Engine Optimization – SEO Plan 

Your SEO strategy should have clear goals for every project you do. 


If you want to see progress quickly, you might be tempted to pursue incremental visits right away. The performance of your site is crucial, so you must take the necessary precautions to safeguard it. You need to know which keywords and pages bring in the most organic traffic, as well as make sure the site’s technical foundation is solid. 


Your site likely already has content that is relevant to some of your target keywords, but those pages may not yet be ranking high enough to generate significant traffic. Optimizing these pages for higher rankings will help you catch the search interest and increase page visits before you engage in generating new content, typically with considerably less work. 


Your plan should also focus on enhancing your site’s content in order to attract more visitors. To do this, you must first determine which search keywords or terms your site may be able to rank for based on it’s competitiveness, if you were to add new material, and then craft new pieces of content around those terms. 

Measures You Can Take to Safeguard Your SEO Results 

Analyze the Functionality of Your Website’s Backend 

When it comes to your website, ignoring its technical condition is like constructing a home on shaky ground. No matter how impressive you make it, it could all fall apart at any time. The first step in safeguarding your site’s current performance is to conduct a technical health audit and make sure your site conforms to Google’s guidelines and advice on existing and potential ranking signals. 

At this stage, you should focus on making your site mobile-friendly, making sure your most critical pages can be easily indexed, and getting rid of any unnecessary redirect chains. 

Identify Your Most Valuable Content 

To keep your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) value intact, you need to determine which search phrases and pages bring in the most visitors. Google Search Console gives you access to this information, which will be useful in keeping tabs on any fluctuations in your site’s traffic. 

In addition to ensuring that you can react if the performance of any of your key terms declines, creating keyword groups and tracking their ranking positions will allow you to diagnose the causes of traffic fluctuations (interest vs. rank change, for example). 

Methods for Boosting Your Site’s Search Engine Optimization 

If you want to make progress, talk about places where content already exists but could do better. 

Find keyword rankings with room to improve 

There are two primary factors to think about when determining which keywords have the most optimization potential: 

  • Monthly search volume for the terms. 
  • Where your article currently sits in terms of popularity. 

Results on subsequent pages of Google or any other search engine see a precipitous drop in clickthrough rates. Ranking in the top ten results is a good benchmark for optimized content, as positions outside of the top ten receive very little attention. 

A little bit of well-researched optimization can boost your site’s ranking to a position where it can bring many more visitors to your site if it currently sits in the range of 11-20 for high-volume keywords. 

The easiest method to learn what Google values most is to study the top-ranked pages on the search engine and see what kinds of optimizations they’ve previously implemented. This includes things like the breadth or specificity of the content, the metadata, the length or complexity of the material, etc. Google’s comprehension of your page can be bolstered by linking to it from relevant pages elsewhere on your site, with anchor text that is relevant to the terms you are trying to rank for. 

Schema can help you get better results. 

Owning rich results on the result pages can have real benefits, so it’s not just worth looking for opportunities to rank in the top ten standard results. Check out the different types of results that show up for the keywords you’re targeting (especially the ones that belong to your direct competitors) and modify your content structure accordingly. 

Methods to Improve Your SEO Results 

Increasing your output usually necessitates generating new material, making this aspect of your approach one of the most time-consuming ones. You need to find search terms for which your site does not provide “target” material (pages perfectly aligned with terms users are searching for). 

Select Keywords for Content Development 

Finding keyword opportunities for new content is much more difficult than protecting or improving rankings for existing keywords. They are not going to show up in your own site’s keyword data because that’s not how they work. Where exactly should one begin looking? 

  • Using a content map, you can divide your content into distinct sections based on a variety of factors, such as topic, audience, customer journey stage, and more. If you compare and contrast these sections, you may discover areas where you can better assist your users; this will give you a starting point for your keyword and topic exploration. 
  • Analyzing your competitors’ websites and learning how they rank in search results can help you learn where you’re losing out on potential customers. You can make equivalent pages that might target multiple terms by rolling these terms up to show the most valuable pages your competitors use, if your research tool supports this. 

In order to improve your search engine rankings, you need fresh content. 

Creating original content for SEO lets you study the structure and on-page elements of competing pages to create a page that ranks as highly as possible. However, new content may take more time to become visible and establish itself in search engine rankings. 

It’s crucial to ensure it’s well-integrated into your site via internal connections, to think about seasonality and interest trends, and to generate new material in plenty of time. 

Frendeal Inc., is a digital agency that provides digital services including website development, website design, digital marketing, SEO services, content writing and many more technical services. We will be happy to provide you more tips or work with you on your pursuit to get more traffic to your dental website, physiotherapy website, e-commerce website or SaaS marketing website; contact us today to discuss your SEO or website requirements.

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